Migration of lichen is a human-lichen symbiosis to evolve humanity, meant as a tool to survive the coming harsh environment, caused by climate change.

This design fiction is meant to evoke emotion about our current climate discourse. The evolution of thinking and to imagine an earth that might become uninhabitable.


To support this speculative ritual, it was important that it was build on existing theory. What was the problem that eventually led to this outcome? On what is the human-lichen symbiosis based and how does it work? This digital publication explains our current situation and the climate discourse at hand.

To propose a tool for our survival that will evolve our future thinking.

You can read this publication on issuu or by clicking on the file below!

In my early research I noticed that my audience started to question what it meant to be human or what the ethical boundaries were of remaining 'human'. These questions led to a visualisation in which I show the lichen morphology on the human body. With this series it was my goal to evoke emotion on the thought of the evolution of men and what it meant to really be 'human'. Was it all about the way we looked or the way we act or something else?

This Graduation project was created by Naomi Carbin
Graduated from Willem de Kooning Academy 2020
Social practice of New earth

Want to get in contact with me? 
E: doedelz@outlook.com
I: @doedelz_